Участники олимпиады по английскому языку март 2017 года
Участники олимпиады по английскому языку март 2017 года

17 марта 2017 года      Английская олимпиада

19 студентов 1-3 курсов нашего колледжа приняли участие в традиционной олимпиаде АМК  по английскому языку. Победителями стали: 1 место- Ширшов Николай(гр. 3-6), 2 место-Потеряхина Александра(гр.2-7) и Лысенко Екатерина(гр.1-6).Всем участникам-Спасибо! и дерзайте дальше в изучении английского языка! Победитель примет участие в  предметной олимпиаде среди студентов СПО  Архангельской области  7 апреля 2017г.


Студенческий кружок 2016-2017 уч.год
Студенческий кружок 2016-2017 уч.год

1 МАРТА 2017 ГОДА    СТУДЕНЧЕСКАЯ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ "«Профилактика – залог здоровья нации»

5 студентов группы 3-3 приняли участие в подготовке доклада по теме "Взаимосвязь в паре ИМТ (индекс массы тела) и АД (артериальное давление) под руководством преподавателя-клинициста Нечаевой О.А. и преподавателя англ.языка Рысевой Е.С. (с  английского языка было переведено несколько статей  и эти источники были задействованы также для подготовки по теме доклада)- Спасибо студентам за качественную исследовательскую работу!

История колледжа

   К 150-летию Архангельского медицинского колледжа !!!


( из истории колледжа)


   In1876 His Imperial Majesty Alexander II signed Decree establishing a  medical school to train village medical assistants, veterinary medical assistants and midwives.

     First, 34 students were admitted to the school. Four teachers taught students there. Shtern Alexander Samuilovich was appointed as the School's first headmaster. He was also the Chief Doctor of the Municipal Hospital. First, the education course continued 2 and then 3 years. Its students studied pharmacy, anatomy, hygiene, clinical medicine, obstetrics, Latin and other subjects.

   The revolutionary movement in 1904-1905 had its influence on all the educational institutions in the town. The students hotly discussed the political events at their class meetings and even boycotted their lessons. According to the governor's decree, since 24 November 1905 the classes were stopped, and the students sent home.

   The classes resumed only in March 1906. The hostel as "harmful in a moral sense" was closed, and the students were accommodated in lodgings. House-checks became more frequent, there were cases of students' arrest.

At that time Grenkov Sergei Fyodorovich was appointed a headmaster. Since the 1907 study - year  women were admitted to the school to be trained as medical assistants.

    In 1934 the college got a half-built wooden building in P. Vinogradov Avenue. The students helped to finish it: they worked in teams, loaded bricks, applied plaster.

     In the wartime the College maintained itself: repair, provision of firewood. Students unloaded the wounded from the transport vessels "Voronezh", "Vyatka", "Mudyug" and accompanied them to hospitals. Twenty-five military hospitals were opened in Arkhangelsk and the Arkhangelsk region; they were predominantly staffed with graduates from the feldscher-obstetric school.

 Gubenko Georgey Maximovitch was the  head  of  the medical  school  during the Great Patriotic War (1943-1946)

     Today Arkhangelsk Medical College is an institution awarded by the "European Quality" golden medal in the all- Russia competition among the secondary professional institutions: it was included into the best hundred of secondary professional educational institutions in Russia of the year 2012. We are very proud of this nomination